Tuesday 20 January 2015

20:59 - No comments

Days vs Minutes


As an update to my blog, what I have to say would be that I have done an experiment and trial & error on my daily routine to observe my efficiency and the results to such actions. I tried to organize my plans in two ways, the first half of the month was by days. How it goes about is when I plan very generally how my next day should be utilized without setting a time frame for each and every agenda on the to-do list. 

After two weeks of it, I tried organizing my daily plans with a time frame to work on each item on the list. I would say it brought a huge difference. The latter was definitely more efficient for me. I tend to focus better for each agenda I am working on knowing the limited time I have to get it settled. Otherwise, if I went on with the former method, I knew that since my time was flexible, I did not bother (human nature) to keep track of the time but rather I would look at the day as just 'Morning, afternoon, evening and night'. But that did not help at all because I don't seemed to have appreciated the number of hours I had in each segment of the day. Things were completed rather slowly, with my own sweet wasted time. 

Therefore after 2 lazy weeks I would consider despite having a handful of things to do, I switched to planning my days by minutes, well hours at least and form there I time myself accordingly. Matters were completed more smoothly, timing was well arranged, less mess was present and change of plans could be prevented due to extra time allocated for delay and what not enough for me to form or if it has been formed to execute plan B. 

Nah, it's not like a big mission or whatsoever but to be efficient it is always good to think for backup plans and notwithstanding any sudden plans (cause a soldier would have to be ready always), I can find my way around it to slot something in or to run another errand first. Now my time management seems to work quite well. I'm glad I tried to experiment it to know how I would prefer to work and what's best with my style. 

Thing is, as my friend once told me "people are actually more organized than I think they are or they think they are" which I find it very true after pondering on it for a few good days. I think what is lacking is the initiative of a person to find out what really works for them and to do so, they've got to take the time to experiment and spend a few minutes once in every two days probably to reflect on it. Do not get too busy into your daily routine till you drown in it. Life is really a long learning process, including learning about yourself and not just the things the wide world has to offer. 

Take the chance to get to know yourself better in how you could organize your daily agenda and see how you can make it better for yourself. I understand many would have plans in their mind or had made mental notes of what they would have to do the next day so on and so forth, but sometimes if you feel that you are lacking of time to complete them, maybe it is the way they are done which is the root to the problem. Take just 2 weeks if you need to in comparison to my 1 month of observation to identify the problem and work in solving it. 

Drawing this to a close, timing is everything. 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

23:17 - No comments

The Long Silence

Wonderful week to all of you! I hope the week has been turning out to be quite favourable? After a period I would consider long, away from my blog. It's important for me to keep it up to date now. Days passed so quietly without me noticing anything beyond the mere dates for the purposes of deadlines and important meetings. Too many things to be shared in this small space of a post limited by thought through contents and inconspicuous emotions and expressions. However it had been great for the past few weeks! Christmas was such a festival to celebrate with the beautiful decorations and family spirit everyone had. I am no Christian but it was not necessary for me to be one to be able to enjoy the short 12 days of family get together. 

The part I love most was how everyone took some time off from work and from whatever else they had to do to spend time with their loved ones. It was refreshing for me to be back in my hometown, Melaka for the weekend just to see how everyone is doing despite the tight schedule at work. Everyone was so welcoming! Hence I concluded sometimes it is good to work out of your hometown, because as for me, I loved the idea of going back to my hometown, to my family and friends for a good break and time off from everything else that I am working on. It really felt as if I was on holidays regardless of how short the time was. 

What I missed most (sorry everyone) was my Piano! I sat for great hours on it to practice random songs I love and have not tried out. It was quite inspiring to have my fingers back on its keys. I could almost hug and sleep on it. My parents probably must have thought "Here we go again". It can never be that quiet when I am at home. I am always on something. It is either my hands are busy with my fingers brushing through the black and white keys or with my lips moving to the words formed in my brain. I hope they were entertained! I AM SURE THEY WERE! No one else plays the piano at home anyway, so it was free music for all from the bottom of my heart.

New year was GREAT!! I had a great chilled out countdown with my housemate. We went for the countdown concert which had a band arranged for the night to play among our favourite songs! What more can we do with such astounding performance? We sang and dance the whole night through! Just fantastic! We were so drunk in music. I like how everything is so different this year. I new group of friends, a new group of network to work with,  a new environment and responsibilities together with commitments. I would say that it has been going on well for me, I am still able to cope with it. I am grateful for the wonderful support I receive wherever I am. Sometimes I have to think through how lucky I can get! With a nice holidays seasons, 2014 ended quite well. I wore my Germany Jersey to commemorate the winning of Germany in FIFA 2014! My team did well! 

In a blink of an eye, it's 2015 now. One thing is, I have not thought of any resolution(s) for the new year but I guess it is not necessary for me to have a specific resolution or resolutions. What I need to do now is to complete my pupillage program in the best way it can get and see what I am able to achieve by the end of 2015. I do have some plans on my mind but meanwhile I should see how it can be possible and ensure it is able to be executed. 

I hope everyone had a great 2014 and if you did not, it's time to reflect on how things should be for the new year and work towards it! Nothing is permanent even the good. :)) Don't be so disheartened but take it all as a life experience! 


Tuesday 25 November 2014

07:50 - No comments

My Child's Legal ABC

Here's the list of my future child's/children ABC, no more A for apple hahaha! I am not being over ambitious but it was a thought in my head. But who knows, I might just give them this instead HAHAHA!


A - Affidavit

B - Bail

C - Caveats

D - Dockbrief

E - Exhibits

F - Fixture

G - Garnishee Order

H - Hearing

I - Injunction

J - Judgement

K - Kidnapping

L - Land

M - Mareva

N - Nuisance

O - Oath

P - Pleadings

Q - Quarom

R - Respondent

S - Solicitor

T - Tenancy

U - Ulna

V - Vendor

W - Witness

X - Xiphoid

Y - Young Offender

Z - Zoning


Saturday 22 November 2014

07:42 - No comments

What's The Weekend Worth?

Picnic seems like a good idea for the weekend and therefore this weekend my friend and I decided to go for a nice picnic by the beautiful sea in Batu Feringgi, Penang. Here's a photo of the beautiful place from where we sat down.

It was a very sudden plan we had thinking how should the nice weekend be spent, and we were also more interested in activities which could calm our minds and allow our body to rest hence the beach plan came up! It was that spontaneous that we did not have time to prepare anything to consume or drink so we played it easy by taking away McDonalds and set up our mat on the beach to enjoy our breakfast. We even brought nail polishes, books and what not to spend the day thinking of staying put till sunset, but unfortunately the weather has been quite rainy for the past few days so sunset was not possible.

We left and resorted to grocery shopping. It might not be the coolest thing to do but I actually thought I had so much fun checking out food products, comparing the brands and prices. Also knowing the fact that I would have all the food stocked in my house and not needing to spend extra time thinking where and what to eat for the coming days and as for snacks up to the next month.

It is good to live alone away from everyone because I get to do what I want and find out how much of something do I like. I also get to train myself to keep a house tidy and organized. Currently I am focusing on 2 things, one would be my job (practical actually to get me a job later on) and my well-being as to health and mental. I am trying to do a lot of things which would make things feel better! It is really important to ensure you are happy as it makes everything else a lot easier. It also gives you the time to think about your goals and dreams and keep your focus on it. 

I am really glad I chose to come to Penang for my Pupillage because of the things I could afford to do here, not in money wise but in the sense of having time for all of these. So far it has been a great month to sum up! Wonderful experience and I am jotting down everything I am learning to see the progress at the end of the month and for the following months. 

Signing off now, there's still a day to enjoy tomorrow, but Sundays usually ends early for me so that I could get up on time for work and have a great start for the week. I think waking up good on the first day of the week is so important, it determines how the week would end up to be. If you are organized from Day 1, it's easier to keep to that spirit and before you know it, the next weekend has arrived!. 

Have fun & stay focus!


Wednesday 19 November 2014

08:31 - No comments

General Damages Injury Claim - Cases PIR

These are some of the cases obtained for the injuries listed below.

1. Abrasion

Multiple abrasion wounds
a. Govindasamy a/l Ramasamy v Mathan a/l Khrishnan & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [4], sc - RM2,000
b. Md Faessal b Mat Isa v Jamilah bt Rejab & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [17], sc - RM4,000

c. Man Bahadur Limbu v Kee Thian Phong & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [27], sc - RM5,000

d. Mugilan a/l Munusamyv Mohamad Zaini b Taharim & Anor [2012] 2 PIR [41], sc - RM3,000

*Usually for legal opinion you take the higher ones, in submissions you rely on the lesser ones*

2. Amputation

Crush injury resulting in amputation below knee of the left leg
a. David Singarayan a/l Edward James v Mohamad Zabi b Maan & Anor (Moganathan a/l Maream & Anor - Third Parties) [2012] 2 PIR [15], sc - RM70,000

Total amputation of right hemipelvis
a. Mohd Azifudin Aziz b Mohd Azizan v Syaiful Aziz b Abu [2012] 2 PIR [20]. sc - RM110,000

High above knee amputation of left leg
a. Raja Kumar a/l Veerasamy v Ripin bin Mat & 2 Ors [2012] 2 PIR [55], sc - RM75,000

Amputation of left toe
a. Hairol Azman b Abdullah v Ooi Kee Loon & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [5], sc - RM6,000

Below knee amputation of right lower limb
a. Sargunan a/l Tannimalai v Abdul Mutalib b Khamis & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [35], sc - RM90,000

Amputation of total right bigtoe through the distal phalanx
a. Hajamshideen b Sayad v Lawrence Tan Kean Lun [2013] 2 PIR [59], sc - RM17,000

3. Femur

Closed fracture distal of right femur
Closed communicated fracture of the left femur
a. Yogeswa Rao a/l Sivamoorthy & 3 Ors v Ong Bee Joo & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [22], sc - RM25,000
    (both RM25,000)

Closed fracture of the left femur
a. Elanggovan a/l Ramayah v Thavamoney a/p Arumugam[2013] 2 PIR[3],sc - RM30,000

Closed fracture of left femur with 1cm shortening
a. Mat Saad v Ahmad v Suhaila bt Md Isa [2012] 2 PIR [39], sc - RM30,000

Closed fracture of right femur
a. Teh Cheow Beng v Tan Poy Thoon [2012] 2 PIR [71], sc
   Plaintiff as a result sudders from 1cm muscle wasting in the right thigh & 10% deducted for overlapping injuries

4. Fibula

Fracture of the right patela
a. Syalman Al Farisi b Zamazari v Murli a/l Ramasamy & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [68], sc - RM12,000

Closed fracture proximal third of the left fibula
a. Punniyanathan a/l G Sivakumar (seorang budak menuntut melalui bapa dan sahabat wakil beliau, G Sivakumar a.l Gunajegaran) v Puvendran a.l Manivannan & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [64],sc
- RM11,000

Closed fracturedistal third of the right fibula
a. Rohimah bt Hj Saad v Aklah bt Abdullah & Anor [2012] 2 PIR [22], sc - RM10,000

Fracture of left fibula
a. Syahir b Osman v Santhiralehga & Anor [2012] 2 PIR[70], sc - RM10,000

5. Metatarsals

Closed fracture first metatarsal of the left foot
a. Hajamohideen v Sayad v Lawrence Tan Kean Lun [2013] 2 PIR [59], sc - RM6,000

Closed fracture distal phalanx of the right big toe
a. Ronald Neo Hai Han & 2 Ors v Wong Shyang Gian [2013] 2 PIR [31], sc - RM6,000

Fracture of the right metatarsus
a. Chin Kit Chooi v Tan Seng Chai [2012] 2 PIR [4], sc - RM5,000

Fracture of 4 metatarsal bones
a. Hairol Azman b Abdullah v Ooi Kee Loon & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [5], sc - RM24,000

Closed fracture first metatarsal of the left foot
a. Muhammad Fahmi b Mat Othman v Mohd Wafiy v Noor Hassan [2013] 2 PIR [50], sc -RM6,000

6. Knee

Bone confusion with laxity in lateral collateral ligament 
a. Noor Muzamzirah bt Mohamad v Quck Hui Huey & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [74], sc - RM4,000

Fracture of the left patella
a. Muhammad Norizuan b Ramlee v Hasnah bt Ahmad [2013] 2 PIR [51], sc - RM22,000

Mild laxity of posterier cruciate ligament of left knee
a. Punniyanathan a/l G Sivakumar (seorang budak menuntut melalui bapa dan sahabat wakil beliau, G Sivakumar a.l Gunajegaran) v Puvendran a.l Manivannan & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [64],sc

7. Tibia

Closed fracture of right tibia
a. Ellangovan a/l Kamayah v Thavamoney a/p Arumugam [2013] 2 PIR [3], sc - RM12,000

Fractureproximal end and shaft of the right tibia
a. Ronald Neo Hai Han & 2 Ors v Wong Shyang Gian [2013] 2 PIR [31], sc - RM25,000

Tibia & Fibula - closed fracture midshaft of the right tibia & fibula
a. Subramaniam a/l Sellamuthu & 2 Ors v Thiresh Ravikumar a/l Selvam & Anor [2012] 2 PIR [58], sc - RM30,000

8. Forearm


Closed fracture distal end of left radius
a. Teoh Kin Theong v Abdul Razab v Yahaya [2013] 2 PIR [36], sc - RM10,000

Closed fracture distal end of right radius
a. Yam Lam Leh v Raeshah bt Ahmad & Anor [2013] 2 PIR [79], sc - RM20,000

Closed comminuted fracture distal end of left radius
a. Khairulazman b Khamis v Hamzah b Osman & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [41], sc - RM20,000

Fracture of right ulna
a. Tee Chin Kuee & 2 Ors v Mohd Fauzi b Desa [2012] 2 PIR [35], sc -RM25,000

9. Cerebral Concussion

a. Anderias Uvang v Mohd Azlan b Abdul Rahman & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [39], sc - RM5,000

b. Khairol Izlan b Hussin v Jamaludin b Man & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [7], sc - RM5,000

c. Lim Yoong Long v Enid Yoong Nyuk Yoon [2013] 1 PIR [9], sc - RM5,000

10. Loss of Consciousness

a. Muhammad Zulfikri b Ja'afar (seorang budak yang mendakwa melalui bapa dan/atau sahabat wakilnya, Ja'afarb Ismail) & Anor v Asanayh bt Osman & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [67], sc- RM4,000

b. Mohd Zuhairi v Dahalan & 2 Ors v Razali b Abdul Rashid [2013] 1 PIR [32], sc - RM5,000

11. Brain Injury

Severe brain injury
a. Muhammad Izhar Anwar b Seniran (kanak-kanak yangmasih di bawah umur dan tindakan ini dibawa only bapanya, Seniran v Selamat sebagai wakil sahabatnya) v Mohd Azlan b Mohamad Saat & Anor [2013] 1 PIR [13], sc - RM100,000

Brain injury
a. Soo Keww Meng v Tenaga Nasional Berhad [2013] 2 PIR [77], sc - RM60,000

12. Cranium

Fracture of the left mastoid bone and middle cranial fossa
a. Muhammad Yusof b Ariffin v Homaidi b Wamadyan & Anor [2012] 2 PIR [43], sc - RM12,000

Tuesday 4 November 2014

04:18 - 2 comments

Living Alone Feels Good!

Hi there everyone! How is the week coming up for the rest of you? It's been pretty amazing I must say to be able to live alone. Firstly, I've always liked apartment because for the price you pay, you have access to wonderful facilities. As for my apartment now it has sauna, gymnasium, badminton court, tennis court, squash court, swimming pool, reading room, conference room you name it! I like how everything is so close to me. On top of that being so near to the working place, I am able to come back home whenever I want to whether to eat or so. The best part is waking up late! I must say that I've been getting enough sleep though maybe for now haha! But still I'm grateful that for these few days I have some time on my own to get enough rest first after the whole process of moving here and there. 

Staying alone has lots of benefits for me and also I would consider the period where you figure out things for yourself. For instance, what do you prefer most, how would you like your room to be, how would you arrange the things you have in the kitchen and what now. You even get to decide what mug to use and to every small detail that sometimes when you are on your mood swing matters. I also enjoy my shadow accompanying me. I think it is really important to be able to cope living alone and feeling comfortable to do things your way and on your own. I am extra thankful for the nice house-mates I have. And with this, I've also started to cook on my own. Which I actually don't mind so long as I have my own space to do my things. I feel great! 

I took the chance staying so near to the sea to walk along it as often as I can, I love how the breeze gets into my face and hair and how I could just sit and think clearly. It is very crucial for me to have the space and time to do all the thinking, sorting out my thoughts and making judgements. I feel as if I am able to work more efficiently this way. From this, in the future when I have a place of my own, I would like to have my own study room to do my work and everything should be looking bright and neat. It helps my mind a lot. Well, some say the mess = creativity and I think so too, been there, done that. However for this job now, most of the time I am going to need my mind to think clearly therefore, the tidiness would be a great favour to myself. 

oooh! And yea I also get to organize my meals timing which is awesome and somehow I find grocery and food stock shopping very interesting. Hmmm..... That should be about it for now, till then! 


Sunday 2 November 2014

03:07 - No comments

Done, done, done.

Hi peeps! I hope all of you are doing wonderful! Hmm... it wasn't as easy for me as I thought it would be to stay away from the people who are close to me and that thought was in my head when I started thinking of it being for years as such. However, in a way, if you wish and put in some effort, you would be able to pick out the friends you would love to keep and somehow you will try your very best to make contact with them. As for now, I've got in touched with the close friends I have on Skype so that we could do more of video calls and that goes the same for my family members & relatives. 

I have so much blessings to count for everyone whom have helped me throughout the whole process. Firstly to my loving boyfriend's parents whom treated me nice food before I leave for Penang and ensured I have everything I might need when I am there. Then it was my uncles & auntie giving my household items that I will be needing, and the one I appreciate most is the Spaghetti Spoon! LOVEIT! and I've bought my spaghetti & sauce! Besides that, all my friends who tried to meet me before I left for Penang. It's not a big thing leaving to Penang actually; thanks to the 1 hour flight distance and for AirAsia making it cheap so that everyone can fly, but rather the time we may not be able to catch up whenever we want to due to work commitments and the difficulty in coming back to Melaka for long period. It takes 2 days for the travelling, to get a bus to the airport and later the flight, so yea... I appreciate all of that! Also the nice treat they gave me <3

Later, upon arriving at the airport, the ever loving godsister I have, Nishantel my really best friend picked me from the airport helped me with all the luggages and what's even better, helped me in the unpacking process which was done in just an hour! How nice! So at the moment everything looks neat and nice now, all sorted out,organized, well labelled & arranged. I took some time to walk around the area and discovered how nice this place is whereby I only need to cross the road and walk about 5 mins to reach the sea. A beautiful place for me to relax and do some reading (keeping itin mind). Bought everything I need for the time being from the shopping mall and I have a feeling I would be indirectly building some muscles by carrying all the items I bought back to the apartment. That includes a 5kg packet of rice and lots of other stuffs I had with me earlier. 

The one VERY IMPORTANT thing I forgot about since the last time I stayed here in Penang was during my attachment 1 1/2 years ago, it's NO PLASTIC BAG policy. I've got to get my recycle bag the next time I am at the shopping mall. 

With that, here's the view from my apartment, not the nicest of all but I love how I could see the sea. 

Have a good day all! 

Xoxo! |sasha-nr|